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InfiNET Broadband Customer Complaint Process

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when you (customer) tell us (InfiNET Broadband) you are unhappy or unsatisfied with the service or product we have provided you. You have a right to complain, if you do, we will deal with your complaint in a transparent, objective, fair and efficient manner. This could include how our staff interacted with you or how we handle a reported fault/s.

Our aim will be to resolve complaints efficiently and without delay (see investigation and resolution section for more details on timing). InfiNET Broadband endeavour to solve any complaints/problems you may have during the first contact. Our complaint handling process complies with the Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code C628:2012 (TCP Code)

Costs or Charges:

InfiNET Broadband will not charge you for our complaints handling. If there is cost recovery charge, we will inform you before any charge is applied. You may choose not to pay and discontinue your complaint, we will inform you about your options for external dispute resolution, e.g., the TIO (Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman). 

How to make a Complaint:

You can make a complaint by contacting us:

We will assist you with creating and lodging your complaint if required. You can also appoint an advocate or authorised representative to make a complaint on your behalf (please visit website for the Authorised Representative form)

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please see our financial hardship policy to assist you in this area.

For accessibility issues, you can use these Australian Government services to help make your complaint:

  • National Relay Service: 133677 (Link found HERE)
  • TIS (Translating & Interpreting Service): 131450 (Link found HERE)

Complaints Process:

InfiNET Broadband will acknowledge your complaint immediately if you made the complaint in person or over the phone, and within 2 business days, if lodged through any of our other methods, including email or voice mail (outside our office hours). You will receive a reference number on acknowledgement of the complaint that will help follow up on your complaint. We will also provide an indicative timeframe for resolving your complaint. You can follow up on your complaint by contacting us via the details noted above. We will always aim to fix the issue during your first contact with us. If this is not possible, we might need to investigate the matter further.

We will reach agreement with you on how to fix the issue (this may include waiving of fees or other commercial solutions) and advise you accordingly within 15 business days of receiving your complaint. We will advise you in writing if you request this.

Investigation and resolution:

For complaints that can’t be resolved immediately, we will investigate as necessary. We will then contact you within 15 working days to discuss how to resolve your complaint. Sometimes, it may take longer than 15 working days to investigate your complaint. If this happens, we will contact you and let you know why, provide you with an update and timeframe. If this delay is more than 10 business days (and is not the result of a mass service disruption) we will also inform you about your options for external dispute resolution such as the TIO.

We will implement any agreed resolution within 10 business days, unless you have agreed otherwise, or you have not yet completed something you agreed to do, or the issue has been caused by a notified outage of service. If we encounter delays to our proposed resolution, we’ll contact you to let you know and propose new timelines. If you are not happy with our proposals at any stage, you can go to the TIO.

Monitoring your complaint:

You can check in with us at any stage on the progress by quoting the reference number though we will provide updates as we progress.


Once your complaint has been resolved, we’ll update you immediately. We will not close a complaint until you have agreed it has been resolved, unless, we have been unable to make contact with you to discuss your complaint, or we have been unable to reach agreement with you on how to resolve your complaint and we have informed you of your options for external dispute resolution such as the TIO. We will never cancel your service/s if you have contacted an external dispute resolution scheme.

Urgent Complaints:

Your complaint will be classified as urgent if you have applied for being in financial hardship under our Financial Hardship Policy or your service has been disconnected or is about to be disconnected or priority assistance service and due process has not been followed. In this case we will reach agreement with you on how to address the issue and implement all required actions to fix the issue within 2 business days. If there is a delay, we will explain why, provide you with a new expected timeframe, and if the delay is longer than 10 business days (and is not the result of a mass service disruption) we will also inform you about your options for external dispute resolution such as the TIO.

Attempts to make contact:

If we can’t contact you via your preferred method, we will write to you with details of our attempts and a request to contact us. If you don’t respond within 10 working days, we will consider your complaint resolved.

Frivolous or vexatious complaints:

On occasion and after careful consideration, we may decide that, we are unable to do anything further to resolve your complaint or assist you or your behaviour or complaint is frivolous or vexatious. If we decide this, we’ll tell you within 5 working days of making this decision and give you the reasons behind it. We’ll also let you know about your options for external dispute resolution such as the TIO.

TIO (Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman):

We encourage you to always contact us first if you experience any problem or are unhappy. We will do our best to solve your problem during our first contact. The services of the TIO are free of charge and you can contact them via:

Phone: 1800 062 058
Fax: 1800 630 614

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