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InfiNET Broadband Privacy Statement

This is InfiNET Broadband’s privacy policy which outlines our commitment to you in respect of the collection and use of personal information. InfiNET appreciates that your privacy is important and we will protect the information while complying with the APP (Australian Privacy Principles) set out in the Federal Privacy Act and administered by the Federal Privacy Commissioner.

Personal information collected and why:

For InfiNET Broadband to provide a service/s to you, we will need to collect and hold, some personal information. It can also be used to verify your identity or assess if you are eligible for our services. This information may include;

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number/s (including your mobile number)
  • Email address/s
  • Date of Birth (DOB)
  • Driver’s License
  • Bank account or credit card details
  • Password details for accessing InfiNET services


If you are unwilling to provide us with some details, we may not be able to supply you with a service.

Collection under law:

We may be required to collect personal information under the Telecommunications Act 1997 and laws made under it. We may be required to collect information, relating to an individual or a communication to which an individual is a party, under the ‘data

Collection of information:

InfiNET Broadband will collect personal information when you make or commence making an application for a service. This will be either over the telephone or through an online process. We may also collect personal information about you in accordance with its obligations under the data retention provisions of the Telecommunications Act. The personal information will be held in secure electronic databases where InfiNET Broadband use reasonable efforts to ensure this personal information is only accessible qualified staff.

Collection from third party sources:

We may also collect personal information indirectly or from someone other than you, and you may not be aware of the collection, including;

  • InfiNET employees, suppliers, agents or contractors
  • Credit reporting bodies, fraud checking agencies, information brokers and credit providers
  • Telecommunication and information service providers
  • Our equipment
  • Publicly available sources
  • Companies in our group that you may have dealt with
  • Our website/s and how you use them

Disclosing or sharing personal information:

The information InfiNET Broadband collects is strictly confidential. InfiNET Broadband will not disclose your personal information to any third parties other than those contracted by us where it’s reasonably required to. These include, contractors or suppliers whose goods and services we use to operate our business and provide products, installation and support to you. Examples include;

  • Technicians or specialist contractors engaged to resolve faults or deliver a service
  • Credit reporting body, fraud checking agency or debt collection agencies
  • Law enforcement agencies or specified recipient if a court order compels us to do so
  • Regulatory authority or authorised government body
  • Your legal advisers if requested
  • Authorised representative or contact person that you have agreed to
  • Communication companies for specific marketing campaigns by us


If you do not wish to receive marketing material from us, please send an email with your full name and customer ID to

We may also disclose it to authorised agencies under the Data Retention Law. Some of these parties may be based overseas for example India and the Philippines and countries where you use roaming services while travelling.

How InfiNET Broadband holds your personal information:

We take reasonable precautions to protect our customer personal information. Proof of identity is always required before the personal information is disclosed to any person, including the customer. The personal information, where required will be encrypted, secured behind firewalls and encrypted in transit. We use third parties to manage transaction where PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) are required. We may also store your information in cloud or other types of networked or electronic storage. Where required, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that these overseas organisations do not breach the Australian Privacy Principles, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Access and correction of personal information:

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information which we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you wish to access the personal information held by us, you can access and correct some of this, such as contact details by logging in to our customer portal. You can also request that incorrect information about you be corrected or deleted. Please send an email to and we will respond to you within 20 business days. A handling fee may be payable so that we can obtain the information you require.

Breech of privacy and complaints:

If you believe your privacy has been breached by InfiNET Broadband or like further information, please contact If you are not satisfied with the outcome you may refer the matter to the TIO (Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman) or the AIC (Australian Information Commissioner)

Contacting InfiNET Broadband:

Any questions, requests or complaints regarding the privacy statement, please contact us on 1300 101 414 or at

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