Infinet Broadband Help

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Find the latest news about InfiNet Broadband and any planned or unplanned outages.
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InfiNET Broadband Illegal/Restricted Content

Some data, media or content that is found or placed on the internet may be prohibited, illegal or infringes certain rights or laws under various state or Commonwealth bodies. Some online content may also be classified as illegal or prohibited such as Child pornography, Instructions in Crime, violence or drug use, Actual sex and Excessive violence.

InfiNET Broadband encourages all users who provide publicly accessible content to use appropriate warnings and/or labelling systems for content which is likely to be considered unsuitable for children (according to the Classification Act and relevant Classification Guidelines), even if such Content may not be Prohibited or Potential Prohibited Content. More information on this can be found on the ACMA website.

InfiNET Broadband isn’t the authority determining if content is infringing copyright, restricted or illegal. Any complaints should be directed to the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

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