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NBN FTTB Technology Explained

Which NBN technology is available in my area?

You can check your address using our “Check your Address” to see if NBN is available and what connection type is available?

What is the FTTB NBN technology?

Fibre to the Building (FTTB) – This connection is generally used when connecting an apartment block or similar types of buildings to the nbn™ access network. In this scenario, a fibre optic line is run to the fibre node in the building’s communications room, then the existing technology in the building (copper cabling) in used to connect to each apartment

Connecting a Modem/Router to a FTTB service – The following diagram outlines how to connect the ADSL/VDSL modem/router to a FTTB service. You will require a NBN ready ADSL/VDSL router that has a DSL port.

  1. Power Port – Connection port for the Power
  2. DSL Port – Is the port to connect the telephone cable from the phone line socket
  3. Phone Port/s – Is the port to connect a DECT phone into
  4. Power Button – Button to turn the modem/router off/on
  5. LAN Ports – To connect network, VoIP etc. devices into the router

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