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NBN Fixed Wireless Technology Explained

What is the NBN Fixed Wireless Technology?

Fixed Wireless – An nbn™ Fixed Wireless connection utilises data transmitted over radio signals to connect a premises to the nbn™ network. This connection is typically used in circumstances where the distance between premises can be many kilometres. Data travels from a transmission tower located as far as 14 kilometres, to an nbn™ outdoor antenna that has been fitted to the premises by an approved nbn™ installer. Fixed Wireless connections also require an nbn™ connection box to be installed at the point where the cable from the nbn™ outdoor antenna enters your premises. This device requires power to operate and can only be installed by an nbn™ approved installer

Connecting a Modem/Router to a HFC service – The following diagram outlines how to connect the modem/router to a NBN Fixed Wireless service. You will require a NBN ready modem/router.

  1. Power Port – Connection port for the Power to the Modem/Router and NBN NCB
  2. UNI-D Port 1 & WAN Port – Are the ports connecting the NCB to the Modem/Router
  3. Power Button – Button to turn the modem/router off/on
  4. Phone Port/s – Is the port to connect a DECT phone into

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