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NBN FTTP Technology Explained

Which NBN technology is available in my area?

You can check your address using our “Check your Address” to see if NBN is available and what connection type is available?

What is the FTTP NBN technology?

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) – This connection types uses a fibre optic line run from the nearest available fibre node, directly to your premises. FTTP connections require an nbn™ utility box on the outside wall and an access network device to be installed inside your home. This device requires power to operate and can only be installed by an approved nbn™ installer or phone and internet provider.

Connecting a Modem/Router to a FTTP service – The following diagram outlines how to connect the modem/router to a FTTB service. You will require a NBN ready router.

  1. Power Port – Connection port for the Power
  2. UNI D & WAN Port – Is the port to connect the router to the NBN NCB UNI D port*
  3. Power Button – Button to turn the modem/router off/on
  4. UNI V 1 Port/s – To connect a telephone directly into the router


*You can have up to 4 active NBN services connected at the same time

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