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InfiNET Broadband Website Terms of Use


InfiNET Broadband welcomes you to this website and provides the website as part of its overall service to you. Please read this page carefully. It governs your commercial relationship with us and sets out legally binding provisions, which regulate your use of our website (including any desktop and mobile versions of it).

Acceptance and Modifications:

By accessing or using any of the content, information, data, text, graphics, photographs and other materials on this website you agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree, you should not use this website.
InfiNET Broadband may at any time vary the Terms of Use. These are the current Terms of Use and they replace any other terms of use for this website previously published on this website.

Information and services on this website:

The data and information on this website can change and InfiNET Broadband will make every effort to keep it up to date and accurate though there may be delays, errors or omissions in doing this and our website might go offline from time to time. The data and information on this website is provided for guidance only. If required, you should seek professional advice and assistance before you take any commercial decisions or action. InfiNET isn’t accountable for any error or oversight on this website and reserves the right to make changes without notice. InfiNET Broadband does not guarantee that this website or Third-Party Websites will be free from viruses, or that access to this website or Third-Party Websites will be uninterrupted.

Links to other websites:

The InfiNET Broadband website may contain links to other websites operated by third parties that are not under the control of us. InfiNET Broadband doesn’t endorse and is not responsible for any material on, or linked to from the Third-Party Websites.

Linking to this website, Trademarks, copyright:

Viewing data or information on this website from your browser, or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws or these Terms of Use, no part of this website may be uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, reproduced, adapted, performed in public, distributed or transmitted in any form by any process without the specific written consent of InfiNET Broadband. InfiNET own the website and all intellectual property on the website.

Website restrictions:

You must not use the website or any part of the website in breach of these use terms.

You must not use the website or any part of the website in any way which is in breach of any statute, regulation, law or legal right of any person

You may not make any use of the website except as permitted by these use terms and may not do or authorise the commission of any act that would or might invalidate or be inconsistent with our intellectual property rights on the website.

Without limiting these provisions, you must not, under any circumstances, sell or resell access to the website or scrape, republish, mirror or otherwise rent, lend, lease, sell, redistribute, sub-licence, copy or duplicate the website or any content you obtain via the website. In addition, you must not, nor may you permit any

person to: Copy, alter, modify, adapt, reproduce, republish, frame, translate, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, reverse compile, transfer, sell, licence, create derivative works from or enhance the website and/or any content on the website.

Do any act that would or might invalidate or be inconsistent with our intellectual property rights or those of our licensors.

Use the website in any way that infringes our rights or any third-party rights.

Use the website to create any product or service that competes with the website.

Take any steps to circumvent any technological protection measure or security measures on the website.

Liability and complying with laws:

We own the website and all IP on the website. Don’t infringe our IP rights and make sure you comply with all applicable laws To the maximum extent permitted by law, and except to the extent expressly specified or referenced in these Terms of Use, InfiNET Broadband is not liable (whether in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise) for any loss, damage, or expense (including special, indirect or consequential loss, loss of profit or revenue, loss of use, legal costs and defence or settlement costs) that you or any other person incurs arising directly or indirectly out of or referable to material on this website or to Third Party Material. You must comply with all laws in relation to your access or use of Material on this website, including laws of the country in which you reside or from which you access this website.


The agreement set out in these Terms of Use and your access to this website may be cancelled at any time by InfiNET Broadband without notice. All restrictions, licences granted by you and all disclaimers and limitations of liability by InfiNET Broadband will continue after cancellation.


InfiNET Broadband reserve our rights and can change these Terms of Use at any time. You cannot transfer your rights under these use terms unless we approve the transfer. InfiNET Broadband can transfer our right and obligations at any time. If part of these use terms are not legally binding, the rest still are. We are not partners, employers or employees of one another. These use terms set out our entire agreement with you. Any legal action will be begin in Queensland.

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