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What is my service class and what does it mean?

The ‘Service Class’ for your location is a way for the network provider to categorise and define how the internet is delivered to your address and identify what stages of installation has been completed.

While it isn’t particularly important to know what your class is, learning these can be helpful for understanding how the internet is delivered to your premises.

Click here to jump to the Opticomm section.

NBN Service Classes

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)

Service Class 0The location will be serviceable by fibre (FTTP) in the future, but it’s not ready yet – NBN hasn’t finished connecting the local area. infiNET customers can pre-sign, but you will have to wait until the area is ready for service.
Service Class 1The location is serviceable by fibre, however no NBN equipment has been installed at the premises yet. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 2The location is ready to connect with fibre technology. The external devices have been installed at the premises, but no internal equipment is installed yet. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 3The location is fully installed and serviceable by fibre, with both the external and internal devices installed at the premises. You can order a service and it will be activated in 1-5 days.

Fixed Wireless (FW)

Service Class 4The location is planned to be serviceable by Fixed Wireless, but the tower is not built or ready for use. You can’t connect yet, but infiNET customers can pre-sign. You’ll have to wait for NBN to announce the area is ready for service.
Service Class 5The location is now serviceable by NBN Fixed Wireless, but there’s no equipment installed at the premises. You are able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 6The location is ready to connect with Fixed Wireless technology. The antenna and the NTD (NBN connection device) are installed. You can order a service and it will be activated in 1-5 days.


Service Class 7The location is planned to be serviceable by Sky Muster (Satellite), but the infrastructure is not built or ready for use. You can’t connect yet, but you may be able to pre-sign. You’ll have to wait for NBN to announce the area is ready for service.
Service Class 8The location is now serviceable by Satellite, but there’s no dish or NBN connection box installed at the property yet. You are able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 9The location is ready to connect with Satellite technology. The antenna and the NBN connection device are installed. You can order a service and it can be activated remotely.

Fibre to the Node (FTTN)

Service Class 10The location is planned to be serviceable by copper for FTTN/FTTB but is not ready yet. Customers can pre-sign with us, but NBN are still in planning stages. infiNET customers can pre-sign, but you will have to wait until the area is ready for service.
Service Class 11The location is ready to connect using copper technology, but additional works are needed. It’s best to make some arrangements prior to your installation for the lead-in cabling. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 12The location is ready to connect using copper technology, but additional works are needed. This class only requires jumper cabling to connect you to the network. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made if the line is not already active. The technician will not attend the home and will perform required work at the node.
Service Class 13The location is ready to connect using copper technology, and all required cabling is installed and connected. You can order a service and it will be activated in 1-5 days.

Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC)

Service Class 20The location will be serviceable by Hybrid Fibre (HFC) in the future, but it’s not ready yet – NBN hasn’t finished connecting the local area. infiNET customers can pre-sign, but you will have to wait until the area is ready for service.
Service Class 21The location is ready to connect using hybrid fibre technology, but additional works are needed to install lead-in cabling. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 22The location is ready to connect using HFC technology, but additional works are needed to install a network device and wall point. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 23The location is ready to connect using HFC technology, but additional works may be needed to install a network device. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made if a self-installation kit cannot be used.
Service Class 24The location is ready to connect using HFC technology, and all required cabling/equipment has been installed. You can order a service and it will be activated in 1-5 days.*

*Sometimes, the network device (NTD) isn’t at the premises when you move in. If you cannot locate the device, please contact us as soon as possible to arrange a replacement unit.

Fibre to the Curb (FTTC)

Service Class 30The location will be serviceable by copper and fibre (FTTC) in the future, but it’s not ready yet – NBN hasn’t finished connecting the local area. infiNET customers can pre-sign, but you will have to wait until the area is ready for service.
Service Class 31The location is ready to connect using copper and fibre technologies, but additional works are needed to install lead-in cabling. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 32The location is ready to connect using copper and fibre technologies, but additional works are needed to connect the premises to a distribution point. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made.
Service Class 33The location is ready to connect using FTTC, but additional works may be needed to install a network device. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made if a self-installation kit cannot be used.
Service Class 34The location is ready to connect using FTTC, and all required cabling/equipment has been installed. You can order a service and it will be activated in 1-5 days.*

*Sometimes, the network device (NCD) isn’t at the premises when you move in. If you cannot locate the device, please contact us as soon as possible to arrange a replacement unit.

OptiComm Service Classes

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)

Service Class 0The location will be serviceable by fibre (FTTP) in the future, but it’s not ready yet – OptiComm hasn’t finished connecting the local area.
Service Class 1The location is serviceable by fibre, however no OptiComm equipment has been installed at the premises yet. You cannot place an order yet, but you may contact OptiComm directly to organise installation.*
Service Class 2The location is ready to connect with fibre technology. The external devices have been installed at the premises, but no internal equipment is installed yet. You’re able to order a service and an installation appointment can be made and service then activated after payment clears**
Service Class 3The location is fully installed and serviceable by fibre, with both the external and internal devices installed at the premises. You can order a service and it will be activated in 1-2 days.
Service Class 5The location is fully installed and serviceable by fibre, with both the external and internal devices installed at the premises. However, a New Development Fee is payable to cover install costs. You can order a service and it will be activated after payment clears.***

*To proceed with an order at a Service Class 1 address, you’ll need to get in touch with OptiComm directly (Click Here)

**A New Connection Charge of $330.00 Inc. GST (Without MATV) or $550.00 Inc. GST (With MATV) will be charged when you sign up for a service at a property with a Service Class 2 assigned, for the first time only. Future connections at the address will not be charged this fee. MATV means multi-access television equipment connection is required. MATV is not available at all premises, Service Qualification (SQ) will confirm

***A New Devlopment Charge of $300.00 Inc. GST will be charged when you sign up for a service at a property with a Service Class 5 assigned, for the first time only. Future connections at the address will not be charged this fee.

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